4 Things.... Road Trip!

Recently,  Jen and I took the old Prius for a spin to Arizona. Sometimes getting away from it all refreshes my creative spirit.4 things I've been loving...

Listening: Billy Joel's concert in Phoenix, AZ was everything I could have hoped for. It was amazing to watch someone still love to perform after all these years. To quote my friend Jenny, "Sometimes music is transcendent."

Watching: A Book of Morman in San Diego, CA. It was epic. Run don't walk.

Playing: Exquisite Corpse with Lauren Natalie on Pinterest. This is a game created by surrealists around 1925 in which each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule or by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous person contributed. I love how this game promotes collaboration. In our version, Lauren and I take turns pinning photographs for each other. First I pin an image, and then Lauren answers by pining an image inspired by the previous one. Soon enough, we have an entire board filled with photography inspiration.

Dreaming: Last week I booked a wedding in Italy. I have my fingers crossed that I will get to spend some time in Iceland on the way there. A girl can dream...

Happy Weekend! Hoping you get to do some road tripping this summer.


