4 Things // Creative Muse

Happy Sunday wanderers. I'm listening to this interview with Austin Kleon on Creative Live.  He mentions Elizabeth Gilbert and her idea of genius being more of the Greek concept of the muse.  I love this idea of thoughts visiting you if you give them space in your daily practice.  He also mentions an interview she did with Tom Waits.  Tom would often get great ideas while he was driving. He would look up kind of frustrated and say, "Hey can't you see I'm driving".  I'm looking forward to finding this interview.

Listening :Creative Live

Reading : Just wrapped up Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond FearbyElizabeth Gilbert recently - so good.

Adventuring : Mike and I drove from San Francisco to San Diego along the coast earlier this week.  We took the time to create some beautiful images and try out new techniques along the way.

Dreaming of : Looking to get some good news for my dad at the doctors this week. 


Suzanne, Mike and the Wanderers

4 Things // Land of Enchantment

This week I am adventuring around New Mexico with Vanessa Luna of Rolling Stone Photography and Mike is back in Indiana helping my mom pack up her old house. What a much needed break of friendship and letting loose. 

Exploring :: New Mexico is the land of enchantment - the homes, the people, the landscape. 

Movement :: Road tripping and dancing on the side of the road near Sky City to Vampire Weekend.

Photographing :: Our escapades on the wide open road with endless sky and sunshine.

Fangirling :: Lila Rose at a few local spots in Albuquerque.

