The crowd goes raaaawr…

Lately I've been laughing a little at the girl I used to be. The art school Suzanne was hilarious. She was always sweet but admittedly a little pretentious when it came to things like books and movies and probably a longer list of things as well.In college I had a roommate named Anthony Powers. We had similar view points on most things but disagreed on art and culture dozens of times. Anthony and I had countless arguments about WWF wresting and performance art.I can thank him though for my current taste in bad tv. I believe it was 1997 when he forced me to see Austin Powers with him. I did not want to go. I wanted to see an art or a foreign film. I'd sworn off comedies after Dumb and Dumber and didn't want to go back.But all this changed.... I cannot exaggerate how loud Anthony laughs at the movie theatre. His sheer joy and craziness won me over. Suddenly I discovered what I had been missing out on all these years. Comedies are funny. Sure I still love Life is Beautiful and Baraka but I am now beside myself with joy at the chance to sit down and enjoy Bridesmaids, Little Miss Sunshine, or the Hangover. In the spirit of non pretentious tv here is an excerpt from a recent Grey's Anatomy episode. happy friday everyone, xoxo suzanne san diego wedding photography, grey's anatomy episode TV Dialog from Grey's Anatomy Teddy: I still feel bad I’m not gonna be here. Henry: Oh the surgery? I’ll be unconscious, that’s not when I’m gonna miss you. Teddy: Okay…then I guess I’ll.. Henry: You can feel bad about all the time that follows. When I’m not under general anesthesia and you’re…still not here and you’re halfway around the world…with Arnold. Teddy: Andrew. Henry: Raaaawr… Teddy: Excuse me? Henry: He’s a rock star. I kinda feel like the sound of an adoring crowd should follow his name. Teddy: I don’t…I don’t…is that a compliment or an insult? Henry: I don’t know. I guess…depends on how you feel about rock stars. Teddy: Okay well Andrew is not a rock star. Henry: Raaaawr… Teddy: Okay you know what? Can you stop that please? It’s starting to get annoying. Henry: My wife’s leaving. I’m allowed to be annoying. Teddy: I’m not a real wife so…that doesn’t buy for a lot of bad behavior. Henry: Well you’re my real best friend, what does that get me? Teddy: I’m sorry. Henry: Don’t be. Go be happy. With Andrew. Rwaaaaaahhhh…. Teddy: You’re impossible. Henry: Yeah, you too.