Singing Along With : I'm Thankful Playlist

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." -Victor Hugo Hello! We're trying something new! Music is very powerful; it can describe our mood in ways we never could be able to otherwise express. It can build us up, break our hearts, bring up memories or even help us look forward to the future. Here at Shewanders, we love listening to music and because of that we wanted to share a playlist that fits every mood for the months to come. We hope you enjoy our first musical blog post!

Here in San Diego we are thankful for Summer in Fall. This means pairing tank tops with scarves, shopping for the lightest sweater we can find, and maybe getting our coffee hot instead of iced. Although it is going to be 84 degrees on Thanksgiving, this playlist will help set the mood for family, fun, and plenty of mashed potatoes.

We are so thankful here at Shewanders for our viewers, clients, and the continuous support we receive.


Suzanne and the Wanderers


I'm Thankful

1. Lose the post Thanksgiving day pounds

Shake it Off - Taylor Swift
2. It's Football Sunday, but I just want to hang with my fiance and not watch football
Mr. Lonely - Bobby Vinton
3. Running through a pile of Fall leaves! Yay!!
4. Black Friday Shopping day.  :((((
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
5. Falling in Love in the Fall
Come Away with Me - Norah Jones
6. Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Keep on the Sunny Side - June Carter Cash
7. Eating dinner with my family
8. Mellow sunday
Take it Easy - Eagles
9. I've got my dance pants on
Wallflower - Etta James

4 things...hello fall

The first week of fall is here and although it still feels like summer is lingering, mostly because of the weather, I am ready for the beauty of Fall.  I love how new season's seem to bring new adventures. Summer to me always feels full of bright, happy and fun times where Fall always feels full of intimate, special and personal joy. Mike and I have begun feeling that special joy of Fall with the move to our new place. It is the perfect time of year to create a new personal space.  Now that the big move is coming to an end I was fortunate to get some time to enjoy the things that come around this time of year.Moved by: SD film festival.  I went to the world premiere of a film about Chelsea King from Poway, Ca.  It was a touching documentary told from her brothers point of view that brought a mixture of emotions out of me.  I would highly recommend it.   Chelsea's Light: A Brother's Journey.

Noticing: signs of fall in San Diego.  Ghee the weather doesn't seem to change but...TV shows return.  Hello Scandal!

Watching:  Scandal along with the rest of my fall line up.  Watching new shows, drinking warm drinks, and snuggling up in blankets on the couch with Mike sums up some of my favorite things to do this time of year.

Dreaming of: my brothers wedding next weekend.  I am ready to sit back, relax and enjoy the wedding as a bridesmaid instead of a photographer.  I am looking forward to every bit of it.

Have a great rest of your weekend everyone.


