4 Things // Letting Go

Photographing : Yacht Party with Before I Do Events; yes to sailing and the sea air.

Dreaming of : Right here, right now. Today we are camping and photographing in Joshua Tree with our friends.

Watching : My nephew learned his abc's this week. He is excited about everything alphabet. 

Letting Go : I've had two acupuncture treatments this week.  My dad is staring radiation and chemo in a couple of days and I'm trying to let go of as much of the fear as I can.  I want there to only be hope left.


4 Things // Happy Days & Desert Escapes

Hey Wanderers,

Happy days in the Ofeldt household. We were so happy that my brother proposed to his girlfriend this week. So much to look forward to in every part of life.

Photographing :: My brother's surprise proposal to his girlfriend.  Mike and I snuck behind them as they walked down the pier and we captured some of the joy.  My family is swimming in happiness right now. 

Dreaming of :: There's so much on the horizon in April.  I'm really trying to make space for everything.  So much to come.

Reading :: We are reading Me Before You by JoJo Moyes for book club this month.  It was a little unexpected for me.  The story takes some big turns.  I loved the little daring and unexpected moments of joy and laughter.  This book left my mind spinning about the idea of unexpectedness and what my comfort level is.

Traveling :: This week, my mom, Gaidin, Jen Boyd and I decided that we needed a few days in the dessert, so we headed to Joshua Tree.  The artists and transplants that live in the desert always fascinate me as much as the national parks do.  We were so lucky to have caught the desert in bloom.  Everything was alive and beautiful.



Brian and Cara : A Tender Joshua Tree Engagement

“Then love knew it was called love. And when I lifted my eyes to your name, suddenly your heart showed me my way” -Pablo Neruda Good bye 2013.  Thanks for being rad.  I thought we would end it on a high note.  Congrats Brian and Cara.  Thanks for the amazing weekend.  We can't wait for the big day.  Hugs.

xoxo Suzanne