Best of 2015 : Part 1

What a year. We met so many fantastic couples and vendors that filled our year with love, happiness and unforgettable memories. Big hugs and endless gratitude to all of you. 

2015 began in true San Diego fashion with a sparkling seaside wedding. I traveled to a few spectacular places, the best being Bali for Mike and I's wedding anniversary. We shot a wedding at a yoga retreat center where the bride and groom put on the most amazing first dance ever (she is an actress and dancer, can you imagine?). I shot my first proposal, all through tears, and it was one of the most rewarding shoots I have ever done. We captured an epic three-day destination wedding in Newport, Rhode Island, including a lobster and clam bake, and the actual wedding complete with beautifully personalized touches; National Donut Day favors, mad libs, lawn games, and a groom choreographed performance to an 80's song.