Hi wanderers! My name is Jenna and I am part of the Shewanders team working on communications. Suzanne was my wedding photographer and is just as fun to work with as she was to 'work' with on my wedding day. But that's not really why I'm here. We are pulling a little switcheroo and I'm taking over 4 things today!This week marked the first week of fall, my favorite season. The reminiscent feeling of school starting, sports in play, holidays coming and change in the air makes me want to jump for joy.

Dreaming of: Crispy fall air, crafting and pumpkin carving. But really, who isn't?

Writing: I am taking a copywriting class at San Diego Portfolio Studio and we are working on composing advertising headlines. My current projects is for Dave's Gourmet Fiery Hot Sauce and the tagline I am working with is...Don't Disrespect Dave's. Seriously though, this hot sauce is out of this universe, hotter than the face of the sun, hot.

Inspired by: This weekend I took a refreshing trip to San Francisco with a close friend. There is a magic to that city and to the people who make it come alive. Every time I visit, I feel empowered to try something new and just be my true, authentic self.

Reading: A book that is catching on like wildfire is The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion.  “Should” is what we feel we ought to be doing, or what is expected of us. “Must” is the thing we dream of doing, our heart’s desire. I triple dog dare you to pick it up and challenge yourself to discover the 'musts' in your life.

Lots of love, Jenna