engagement : Lynne and Brian

What is better than having a chef for a husband? Lucky Lynne met Brian while he was working as a chef  at her friend's bridal shower. Lynne was a guest who was taken with the chef's good looks and obviously his cooking. But there is much more to Brian's talents and good looks. According to Lynne, Brian is the most caring, generous and warm hearted person she knows. His love for his family, son and herself has no bounds. Brian is a lucky man himself! Speaking in food terms- Brian, being peanut butter found his jelly (Lynne) to make the perfect PB &J! The couple who lives in the mountains loves to drink coffee on the porch on Sunday mornings, walk to the village, hike the lake, swim off the dock and sip wine by the fire. Sounds like 2 peas in a pod to me! Their wedding was a big party for all their friends and family. Their goal for the wedding was bare feet, sand and good food-- fun and casual! They tied the knot at ZLAC rowing company on the beach while a friend played acoustic guitar. By the sound of it, they know how to enjoy one another's company and know what matters at the end of the day- each other!Dos Besos,

Katie from the Wanderers