Engaged : Meet Christine and Matt!

Although I have never been married, and I am no where close to being married, I cannot think of a better Christmas present than one finding their one true love at a Christmas Party. This is exactly what happened to Christine approximately 1 year, 6 months and 22 days ago! Her Christmas present arrived early when she met Matt- the man she would come to share Ice cream and Fro Yo nights with as well as Matt and Christine Errand Days (don't worry they know it's corny). I may have done the simple math by counting how long Christine and Matt have known each other, but the chemistry between the two is undeniable and they just mathematically make sense- the proof is in the numbers. They first met on December 16 and met again on March 19. They are tying the knot on July 16, 19 months to the day that they first met. Matt's birthday is April 15, and Christine's birthday is September 20. If you add their birthday's together, you arrive at the number 35. If you add the dates they met, you also arrive at the number 35. It is crazy how life plays out! I truly believe everything happens for a reason and Matt and Christine are a testament to this mantra. Their love story is as organic as the Stonyfield yogurt Suzanne ate the other day! I may only be 22 years old but Christine and Matt's story has inspired me to be your young guru and leave you with a few words to live by:Life is like a roller coaster. There are highs and lows and the ride can be fun but at times scary. We have no control where it is going and when it is going to stop. What we can control is how we approach the ride. So hold on tight, let your hair down and enjoy the ride.

I am on board and have buckled my seatbelt, and hope that someday (by someday I mean in a LONG while, but who knows what will happen) my roller coaster will bring me a similar Christmas present as Christine! Dos Besos, Katie from the Wanderers

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